Can I do Level 2 before Level 1?

This depends entirely on whether you have studied the curriculum in Level 1. The curriculum of subjects for the Yin Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation courses from Levels 1 to 2 are vast covering the deconstruction of Yin Yoga poses, why and how the science and anatomy of fascia and soft tissue to the skeletal variation of bones matters in Yin Yoga, Chinese Medicine and Meridian Theory, The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, Aspiration and Visioning, Presentation and Listening Skills to the properties and function of the Vagus Nerve in Polyvagal Theory, the Enteric Nervous System and since Level 2 builds on Level 1 in more depth and does not repeat the same variations of postures or teachings from Level 1, the material is not only new but in more depth. We are not able to discern what you have already studied with other curriculums as teachings vary widely in the field of Yin Yoga. 

Please look at the curriculum for Level 1 here to check whether you have studied all of the curriculum to have a strong foundation to progress to Level 2. The curriculum for Level 2 is here. The main teachings of Mindfulness Meditation and how to convey this in your classes is a strong part of the Level 1 curriculum as well as skeletal variation. Some students have done Level 2 before Level 1 because of timing issues and have later integrated the material from Level 1 just as well and it is possible to learn in this way too since all students have varying backgrounds and levels of understanding and history of practice. So it is possible to do Level 2 prior to Level 1 provided you understand that you may have a knowledge gap and that there is time to come back to do Level 1 at a later date.