“We teach what we most need to learn”

This is so true when it comes to becoming a more proficient teacher. 

Proficiency = Confidence

Marketing and sales pitches often make the promise of “giving you confidence”…. e.g.  You will have the confidence to teach…….

I can safely say after 15 years of training teachers and almost 40 years of teaching, that no one can give you confidence.  If this were true, why do some teachers go on to create successful classes and others don’t?

Teaching yoga at course or workshop level isn’t just about churning out a longer class. What a well designed course and efficient teacher does is to not only deliver the content and theory which underpins the movement principles but also proves (beyond reasonable doubt) that what is being said is true through live/real time feedback from multiple practitioners. Now this doesn’t mean we need to watch it as it happens in real time, but it does need to be captured or recorded as it happens.

When we see something real and then practice this for ourselves, something either clicks that this is true for us too or it isn’t. And that is the pivotal moment, when we begin to understand from a ‘me’ perspective and that  is what gives you the confidence to teach from your own authority.


Why is it so much harder to teach from an ‘enquiry led’ perspective as a teacher than a “demonstration and copy me’ model?

Imagine having the authority to teach from your own as well as others experience. Students know when teachers are waffling or don’t know the answer. And it’s OK to not have answers. But it’s NOT ok for you to not be OK with your not knowing! HOW you answer the question to open the doorway of communication is what reassures your class. Shutting down the answer is like closing the door when someone is standing right there.

How might we adopt this model or way of teaching? Imagine being able to see enquiry led sessions over and over again for every Meridian pathway. Add to that Meditation sessions, Mindfulness enquiry and shared communication. We created a training filmed in real time which records what happens to yoga bodies when they try to create a shape change in their bodies to stretch a specific area. We hear from each person as it happens, not just seeing them in action. And we hear how different it is for each of them. How uniquely and surprisingly different it is in fact.


We learn when we are most relaxed

True or False? 

Probably both as we certainly do remember incidents when we have made horrible mistakes so we hope to never repeat them.

But isn’t it so much nicer to learn in a relaxed way when our nervous systems are ‘off duty’ when our body also remembers sweet memorable moments.

There are no right or wrong ways. There are potentially injurious ways which we definitely point out.

There is no passing or failing. During the course or after.

We present all of our training modules this way.


The Science, The Theory, The Facts aka The Lectures, The Manual.

The Movement Principles aka The Practicums, The Classes.

The Evidence aka The Feedback, The Testimonials, Your Reflections.

The Support aka Support Groups, Email, Newsletters.


Each level is progressive. However you can start in any order apart from Mentorship. There wouldn’t be any subject matter to be mentored on!


Level 1: Mindfulness

Level 2: Chinese Medicine

Level 3: Myofascial Release

Level 4: Mentorship


Courses and Classes: Past, Present and Future 



💡 Join me for any level and transform the authority in your teaching!

Sarah 💕