CLASS 6: The Adductors

CLASS 6: The Adductors


For this class please have 2 extra firm pillows/cushions or a FLAT RECTANGULAR BOLSTER or improvise with wrapping a large thick towel or two over each pillow. We will be using these to support the sacrum and pelvis in a series of movements mainly lying down.

The adductors are not easy to stretch yin style. Sharpness can often be felt and given that this is predominantly where the Liver channel runs in Chinese Medicine, one can often feel extreme irritation in long held poses. It isn't easy to massage this area either as this is very delicate tissue where lymph nodes and channels lie.

Moreover, iI your adductors are tight and weak from lack of strength or excess sitting, they can cause knee issues, lower back pain and hip pain.

Mobilising any tightness as well as strengthening your adductors can help reduce pain and enable you to walk and run more easily. Learn to do this in this workshop where gravity determines how far your adductors actually want to yield safely.

You'll learn to test the tightness in the adductors and check again at the end of the sequence how much yield there has been.

You'll receive a pdf immediately on booking containing the Video link to this workshop which you will need to download.

30 days unlimited access.
No refunds.

